(As Grandmather Aninha did it)
There is the cachupa rica and the cachupa povera. The first one is usually eaten in the rich families and it is made with all the ingredients you need to prepare a cachupa sabe (savoury).
The majority of the population, who can't afford to buy meat and the other essencial ingredients, eats the cachupa povera.Instead of meat, really expensive in Cape Verde,fish is often used, because it is cheaper.
Hier is the cachupa rica recipe.
I am sure you will like it, as all the Capeverdian like it.
Put meat chops, bacon, a pig trotter and sausages in a pot, together with garlic, oil, laurel, onion, paprica, salt;it takes three hours to become tasty.
Corn and beans boil half an hour in a pot with water, together with an onion, oil, a laurel leaf and a pintch of salt.After that, put beans and corn in a bigger pot with water and let them boil. Then add the meat. When all ist almost ready, add potatoes and cabbage. When it is completely cooked, let it stand for a while and then it is ready to be served.
4 cups of beaten corn
200 gr of beaf meat
200 gr of bacon
4 sausages
2 American potatoes
2 onions
2 cloves of garlic
Salt and paprica at will
200 gr of dry beans
300 gr of pig trotter
2 big potatoes
2 mandioche
200 gr of Savoy cabbage
2 laurel leaves
oil at will

I like the canja. It is one of my favorite dishes, that I often prepare. Together with arroz c'atum, they are the recipes that help me to matar a saudade, kill the nostalgy I feel. My mother is not a great chef, but she prepared the canja very well.
The canja, as all the dishes with meat,is expensive.For this reason it is just seldom prepared.In Cape Verde you eat the canja on great occasions, both feast and unhappy circumstances. In fact, when someone is ill in bed, his family try to find a chicken, so as to prepare a Canja for the sick person. When I was ill my mother gave me the canja.
During the night of guarda-cabeça you eat the canja.
When someone dies, there is always the canja among the courses.
In the great parties, when you have finishes to eat,drink and dance, there is always someone that ask if there is a canjina, or indirectly - a little canja would be good, now!-
Chop the chicken and wash it in water and salt. Then put it in a pot and let it steep a night together with salt, garlic, onion, salt, oil, laurel. Put all to brown in a pot, add enought water in order to have a jelly broth of rice. When it is boiling, add peeled tomatoes and paprica.When it is too weak, make them jelly warming it up. The sicret is the right quantity of water and the quantity of rice you use.
Serve in a big cup with sage and, if you like it spicy,add more pimento.
1 chicken
rice ( more peopleneed more rice)
1 spoonolive oil
2 peeled tomatoes
1 onion
1 laurel leaf
1 garlic
1 sage leaf
pimento at will
salt at will

CALDO DE PEIXE (soup of fish)
We live in an archipelago, surrounded by a sea rich of fish. Obviously we like to prepare fish dishes. The finest fish soups I have ever eaten come from Cape Verde.
All the Capeverdian are crazy for caldo de peixe (fish soup).Everyone has his own favorite kind of fish. Not all the fish can be used to prepare this soup, moreover not always you can find the appropriate kind of fish.
My favourite fish for this fish soup is the lagaropa, a red grouper, very tasty and typical in our seas.
The caldo de peixe is a special dish. You can not prepare it everyday, but relatively often. During parties it can replace the canja.When someone is drunk, he needs a very spicy caldo de peixe in order to recover.
Let the fish flavour together with garlic, oil, salt and laurel.
Put the sliced onion, garlic, laurel, paprica, peeled tomatoes, sage and olive oil in a big pot. Let it brown and add chopped potatoes, bananas, manioca, yam (someting like a potato) and pumpkin. Let it flavour and let it boil. When all is almost boiled, add the fish.When it is ready, taste the broth: if it is too weak, then add a spoonful of flour, in order to make it jelly. You must mix it with a wooden spoon, so as not to let the soup adhere. The caldo de peixe may be seved with some rice, or with polenta, this is the way I like most.
Fish, moray grouper,
1 onion
2 peeled tomatoes
2 garlic cloves
1 laurel leaf
1 sage
paprica at will
1/2 kg manioca
1 kg potatoes
1 kg American patatoes
1/2 kg yam
1/2 kg green bananas
1/2 kg pumpkin
oil at will